

Pathfinder Award, May 2019

The DETOX team were awarded a BBSRC Pathfinder award to perform market research for the MORF multi-omics analyser tool. IP Pragmatics and Microbesphere were commissioned to gather research and report on the commercialisation prospects for the software.

Festival of Ideas: Marvellous Microbes, June 2019

The Marvellous Microbes were out again for the Festival of Ideas in York, June 2019 as 2 local primary schools and members of the public came to learn about microbiology, meet some microbes, and solve the top secret mystery disease outbreak. We welcomed 125 visitors to the teaching lab in the Biology Department over two days.

2018 Thermo Scientific TMT Research Award (Gold Level)

Congratulations to Dr David-Paul Minde for winning the 2018 Thermo Scientific TMT Research Award (Gold Level). David works in the Lilley lab in Cambridge on the in vivo dynamics of membrane proteins in the bacterial cell envelope under stress conditions. The award will allow David to study the cellular conformations and protein interaction networks of membrane proteins.

YorNight: Marvellous Microbes, November 2018

Thomas Lab researchers will be presenting Marvellous Microbes at YorNight on Saturday 17th November, 2018. The event is aimed at getting young people interested in science and Marvellous Microbes is one of many exhibits that will be at the YorNight event. It’s interactive and family friendly so come and see what Marvellous Microbes can do for you!